I've got your back!

A former corporate road warrior turned refugee who took a detour to heal and am now on a mission to awaken and help others gain emotional, mental, relational and financial freedom.

I am the Founder of R3 International, Inc. & Principal and CEO of H Porta et al., a bespoke boutique strategy and leading-edge transformational consultancy based out of NC.

I'm trusted by start-ups to Fortune 500 CEOs, industry titans, professional athletes, motorsports professionals, Hollywood film producers, actors/influencers, members of elite military forces, attorneys, financial advisors, higher education, high-performance professionals and serial entrepreneurs globally to architect a life and business with intention and purpose that creates generational impact. My frameworks have been implemented by the most prominent organizations in the world

From sharing international stages with the likes of Dr. Deepak Chopra + hundreds of experts globally to hosting Masterminds, VIP Intensives, retreats and facilitating workshops, I am also a contributing writer to 35+ publications, including Forbes, Medium, Thrive Global, Elephant Journal, Tiny Buddha, PsychAlive, The Conscious Magazine, Chief Information Officer and a handful of other publications.

During my near death experience, I was offered a sacred mission; an opportunity to return as a beacon of light and love. a soul guardian. 
To become a Wayshower; a guide to illuminate the path of spiritual awakening.
My purpose: to mend, heal, restore, ignite and activate the embodiment of our souls divinity and sovereignty. 

Ascended masters, cherished ancestors, guardian angels, and celestial guides infused me with sacred revelations and transmissions; blueprints and codes for spiritual awakening and energetic medicine from beyond the veil to become a humble conduit of sacred healing.

My journey became a graceful dance with the spirit world, embracing the unseen as I learned how to activate the next layer of expansion, unlock a new set of frequencies, live in a heightened spiritual state; awakening the remembrance of I AM and what she came here to do…

...to ignite the sacred fire within, guiding souls toward emotional, mental, relational, and financial liberation: to truly ASCEND

book hERE

It's my dharma, my life's calling, to help as many people truly transform their lives, generationally shift and live with freedom and abundance.

People come to me frustrated; tired of buying program after program, going to practitioner and healer after healer and yet STILL not having the results they're looking for because there the root hasn't been removed.